Cimex/Cimex Plus

Cimex/Cimex Plus Special Precautions





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Special Precautions
Cimex: FC tablet: Cefuroxime axetil may be given safely to patients who are hypersensitive to penicillins. Special care is indicated in patients who have experienced anaphylactoid reactions with penicillin. Prolonged use of cefuroxime may result in overgrowth of susceptible organism. There is no evidence of embryogenic and teratogenic effect due to cefuroxime axetil. Should be administered with caution in pregnancy especially during the early period. Cefuroxime is excreted in milk. A Jarisch Herxheimer reaction has been reported following administration of cefuroxime in Lyme disease. Pseudomembranous colitis has been reported with cefuroxime. A false positive reaction for glucose in the urine may occur with copper reductive tests (Benedict's test). It is recommended that either the glucose oxidase or hexokinase methods be used to determine blood/plasma glucose level. Should be given with caution to patients receiving concurrent treatment with potent diuretics.
Oral suspension: Care is also necessary in patients with history of allergy.
Cefuroxime should be given in cautions to patients with renal impairment; a dosage reduction may be necessary. Renal hematological status should be monitored especially during prolonged and high-dose therapy.
Cimex Plus: In principle, Cimex should not be administered in patients with history of hypersensitivity to cephem antibiotics, but if inevitable, cautious administration is required. Patients with history of hypersensitivity to penicillins or β-lactam antibiotics. Patients or whose parents, sisters or brothers are prone to suffer from allergic symptoms eg, bronchial asthma, exanthema, urticaria. Patients with severe renal disorder; poor oral ingestion, parenteral nutrition, poor general conditions and who are old aged (cautious monitoring is required since vitamin K deficiency may occur). Patients who are old aged or taking medicine eg, furosemide diuretics, aminoglycoside antibiotics.
General Precautions: In order to prevent appearance of resistant microorganisms, susceptibility should be determined. Also, the treatment should be continued only for the minimum period of time required.
In order to predict side effects eg, shock, patient's history should be taken in detail and skin reaction test should be performed.
Emergency measures have to be available in preparation for occurrence of shock and even after measures taken, the patient should be observed cautiously in stable condition.
It is desirable to perform laboratory tests (hepatic and renal function, blood) at regular intervals during treatment.
Cimex can be administered with aminoglycoside antibiotics and metronidazole but these should not be mixed in 1 injection.
In case of long-term dosage, overgrowth of insusceptible bacteria may occur.
Precautions on Application: As vascular pain, venous angialgia, thrombosis, phlebitis may rarely occur with large IV doses, caution should be taken on preparation of injectable solution, site of injection, method of administration and injection should be given as slowly as possible.
Cefuroxime should not be mixed with sodium bicarbonate.
Others: In the treatment of meningitis, a slight or moderately visual disorder have been reported in children to whom Cimex was administered. When it cultivates cerebrospinal fluid after 18-36 hrs of administration, positive influenza may appear but its interaction with the clinical effect has not been known.
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